The 100 Challenge
The 100 challenge is a challenge to get 100 people to take action towards the PPF campaign of your choice. Get 100 people to buy a 100wells T-shirt or perhaps get 100 people to give 100 dollars to the persecuted. Use your leadership skills to motivate using the 7 steps listed below and bring active compassion to the persecuted.
- Choose the PPF campaign you wish to support. (Build the Base, 100wells, Savethenuba).
- Choose your target group(s).
- Determine what your challenge to those 100 people will be.
- Recruit your friends and colleague’s help.
- Contact PPF staff for motivation and helpful ideas
- Launch your campaign!
- Post what you are doing to Social Media.
The Team Building Challenge
The Team Building Challenge is a way to add motivation to your staff and strengthen your team. Take a portion of your The Team Building Challenge is a way to add motivation to your staff and strengthen your team. Take a portion of your resource (time, treasure, talent) and use it to serve the persecuted. Add an eternal value to the bottom line of what you are doing by giving a portion of your revenues to serving those who need it most. Your staff will be motivated by the fact that their hard hours at the office also provide active compassion for the persecuted.
- Chose a PPF campaign to support
- Gather your team and introduce them to the PPF through the PPF “Get Active” video.
- Set a monthly goal as a team.
- Allow everyone to strategize ways to meet that goal.
- Give your team encouragement to take risks.
- Contact PPF staff for motivation and helpful ideas
- Launch your campaign!
The Proposal Challenge
If you are able to meet a large need (More than $5000), Please select on of the following areas to receive a written proposal for your consideration)
- Select from area (Water, Relief, Development, etc)
- Pray about the financial commitment you are able to make
- Share with other leaders about what you are doing.
- Outline your plan and timeline for engagement.
- Commit to praying for PPF
- Contact PPF staff for motivation and helpful ideas
- Launch your campaign!