Category Archives: Videos

Promotional and informative videos

Newly orphaned boys in Jaac.

Newly orphaned boys in Jaac.

[vimeo][/vimeo] PPF President, Brad Phillips, meets newly orphaned boys in Jaac.  

New Arrivals in Jaac Face Difficult Circumstances

New Arrivals in Jaac Face Difficult Circumstances

[vimeo][/vimeo] A new Darfur refugee in Jaac faces a difficult future.

New Wells in Chow Lek

New Wells in Chow Lek

New wells completed by PPF in March ’09.

Medical Supplies in Kibera

Medical Supplies in Kibera

PPF was able to deliver $75k of medical supplies to a school and medical clinic in Kibera. Thank you for your support!

Water Celebration in War Lang

Water Celebration in War Lang

Watch this celebration from the people in War Lang as they received new wells from PPF.

Water in a Scorched Land

Water in a Scorched Land

This short video was created by Watermelon Ministries to show the critical need of clean water in Jach Darfur. Photos by Joshua MacLeod and an interview with Jason Jones. PPF seeks to build 100 wells by 2010