On the evening of September 1, 2011, around midnight, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) attacked the residence of Blue Nile State Governor Malik Agar. This initial attack was quickly followed by a full scale invasion and aerial bombardment of multiple locations in Blue Nile State.
The result is yet another NCP-manufactured humanitarian crisis in the Blue Nile region, with some fifty thousand residents forced to flee the fighting to neighboring Sennar State, and an additional 16,000 people fleeing to Ethiopia.
The real motive behind Bashir’s unilateral truce in Southern Kordofan State has become all too clear by last Thursday’s offensive. Having shifted a substantial amount of troops and military hardware into Blue Nile State, the SAF have sacked the elected SPLM Governor and launched a new genocidal war against the indigenous Africans.
In this way, the NCP has completely abandoned the CPA and destroyed any hope for peaceful departure from totalitarianism to self-determination. One by one, through military force, Bashir has carried out the systematic unravelling of CPA promises first in Abyei, then in the Nuba mountain region and now in Blue Nile State.
Sudan expert Eric Reeves observed, “The only beneficiaries of this ruthlessly destructive military action against Blue Nile State are the most extreme members of the National Islamic Front/National Congress Party cabal, and senior members of the security and military apparatus; the calculation on which their decision has been made could not be more brutal.”
Please pray for the innocent people of Blue Nile State who are victims of these war crimes and atrocities. Please also pray that God will continue to open doors for His people to intercede through advocacy, relief and other means of encouragement.
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