by Ed Lyons .
When we think of preaching the gospel, we don’t always associate it with feeding the hungry. Nevertheless, Jesus fed people on many occasions, and He was all about bringing people into the Kingdom of God.
John 6 tells of Jesus feeding 5,000 men with five loaves and two fish. When they had finished eating, there were plenty of leftovers.
A team from PPF traveled to Nairobi in late September and were told that the Soweto Academy located in the Kibera Slum had not been able to feed its students since August. The next shipment of food was due to arrive in November.
We prayed that God would meet the needs of the students and multiply the fish and loaves all over again. Our desire was to get enough food to provide for the children until their next shipment arrived… and God provided.
PPF was able to purchase 32 50-kg bags of rice for the school. Each bag will feed the students for one day. In addition, we bought a truck-load of firewood, so the rice could be cooked in the school’s kitchen.
Additionally, our team delivered much-needed medicines to the Revival Medical Clinic, and taught the Soweto students all about Daniel and his three friends. We encouraged the students to purpose in their hearts not to defile themselves with things or activities that displease God (Daniel 1:8). We also taught that God is able to protect them from persecution (Daniel 3:17), and that God delivers and rescues (Daniel 6:27).
We thank all who supported these outreach activities