Prayer Warrior
Action Steps For Prayer Warriors
- We are seeking 1000 people who will pray for at least 1 hour a month for PPF and the persecuted in Sudan. Go to our website and sign the prayer commitment.
- Decide “how” you are going to divide up your prayer. (A few minutes each day, 15, 30 or 1-hour increments.)
- Add the prayer time to your calendar or day planner.
- Tell your friends about your commitment, and ask them to sign up as well.
- Post your prayers on Social Media.
- Contact PPF for specific prayer needs.
- Keep a journal of what you prayed for and when the prayers are answered.
- Consider fasting for a meal or a day (you might even do this with a group of friends).Take time during your fast to prayerfully intercede on behalf of the persecuted.