The Heart of Our Supporters

by Ed Lyons 

Paul, the bondservant of Jesus Christ, did not own a cell phone, and he didn’t have access to e-mail. He wrote epistles. He wrote to encourage the believers, to explain doctrine, and to correct misunderstandings. And he wrote to keep churches informed of his activities. 

It’s much easier to stay in touch today. Communication is instantaneous. It is rare for someone to be “unreachable” in this day and age. We want to highlight our accessibility. 

Earlier this summer, our staff realized that we hadn’t heard from a few of our donors who also used to regularly contact us with personal updates. We prayed for these individuals and within 48 hours, both families had called us once again. We praised God that they were doing well and thanked Him for the effectiveness of “knee-mail”. 

We would love to hear from you and not only when you have a financial gift to give. We would love to hear your prayer requests and take them to the Lord during our morning devotions. And we would love to rejoice with you as well. Hearing the heart of our donors and faithful prayer partners is important to us.  

PPF's Gay Hopkins prays with other staff members each morning for PPF supporters.

Give us a call (toll-free at 888-201-5245) and tell us about your family, your dreams, your activities or your concerns. You can also e-mail us at Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

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