Persecution Story: Amet

Amet Persecution Project Foundation workers found Amet sitting alone under a tree in the desolate region of Jaac, a Darfur refugee camp located in northern Aweil County, in the Bahr el-Ghazal region of southern Sudan.

He was brought there by the United Nation’s International Organization for Migration along with several thousand other refugees. He was left to fend for himself, with no family to watch out for him.

He sat helpless under a tree in this wilderness area until Pastor Marco came to his rescue. Pastor Marco is one of the men being trained and supported by Persecution Project Foundation to bring Christian teaching to the refugees of Jaac.

Amet under a treeAmet fled Nyala in southern Darfur after many years of hardship and persecution which included the murder of his wife, children and grandchildren by Janjaweed forces. He was away from his village when the Janjaweed militia forced everyone to board a train for relocation purposes. The train doors were locked, and the train was set ablaze.

When Pastor Marco took him into his own already crowded and humble home, Persecution Project Foundation provided him with the funds to build the elderly man a tukel of his own to protect him from the severe weather conditions in Jaac. PPF also gave Amet some food. Amet responded to this outpouring of love by saying that he would share his food with anyone who was hungry.

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