Persecution Story: Deng-Deng

Deng-Dengdeng-deng Deng Deng was a young boy in southern Sudan when Arab horsemen thundered into his village. As a seven or eight year old, he was quickly abducted by the Janjaweed militia and sold into slavery in the north to a Moslem master.

When the master asked Deng Deng to perform a job that was too difficult for him to physically accomplish, Deng Deng refused and the master flew into a rage. He attacked Deng Deng with a machete, chopping off his hands. As a result, the young child was left a multiple amputee.

Persecution Project Foundation brought in Dr. Richard Bransford of Kenya’s Bethany Crippled Children’s Centre to examine Deng Deng. PPF also provided the young boy with various relief items, including a solar-powered radio that would enable him to tune in to our daily Christian broadcasts on Radio PEACE.

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